We chose spaghetti.
The colours: Red, yellow, green, brown, and white.
Red: The spaghetti sauce.
Yellow: The spahgetti.
Green: The green peppers.
Green: The green peppers.
Brown: The mushrooms.
White: The chicken.
The colours blended in very well as they were mostly warm colours. Warm colours give families a very warm feeling when they are having the meal.
The appearence: Spaghetti topped with spaghetti sauce, beside with a mushroom, piece of chicken and some green peppers, diced.
The taste: Spaghetti just cooked al dente, chicken is very tender, green peppers soft, but the mushrooms were a little undercook, and spaghetti sauce is sweet. The chicken is very tender because we cooked it for quite a long time for the chicken to become softer.
It is a very easy and fast to cook the meal for the whole family. The ingredients are also commmonly found in places, and you could also add different ingredients and seasonings.
Our weaknesses were that the spaghetti sauce was a little too sweet, and we undercooked the mushrooms.
Our strength was that we worked together as a team very well and finished the spaghetti on time.
By: Zenn, Xavier, & Augusto.
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